(Answer) (Category) Products of Aardvarks With Chisels :
How can I ever thank you for X?

Well, one of the ways you could do so is to click the "donate" button down at the bottom left of every page, and send me some money. I don't care if it's just 1 cent, though I think PayPal's cut might be excessive in that case. Note that you do not have to create a PayPal account any more to send money. That's optional. Here's a button if you don't like to scroll:

Then again, if I wanted money, I wouldn't give stuff away for free. I'd really just like to know that people are using the information/software up here, and that they like it. So, just send me an email. Send it to feedback at dannysauer D0T com and I'm more likely to actually see it than if you use the very spam-ridden address at the bottom there. Or, you can do both. Money and praise is always welcome. :) I'm really just glad that so many people use the site, either way.

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2004-Jul-23 2:48pm
Previous: (Answer) Why doesn't that image match the background?
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